Fairmont 4.0

Fairmont 4 was literally a spare parts build, I was in the middle of the fairmont 3 engine swap, and a friend found a fairmont for 400 on craigslist, so i bought it and put spare trans, injectors, turbo, and other things from the other build into this, and turbod it with a spare 60e, stock driveshaft, stock 7.5 rear end and all LOL made 400/400 pretty easily and i only had like 3000 at MAX into it

82 4 door ford fairmont

99 4.8 out of the fairmont 3 OG build

7665 on3 turbo, hand made shit manifold

stock truck intake, 3 inch intercooler 2.5 inch piping from vs racing

stock p01 truck ecu, stock 60e out of my friends truck we swappe to an 80e

stock driveshaft with conversion U joint installed for 60e slip *driveshaft fit stock length lol

LS1 camshaft, stock valvesprings

3 bar speed density os installed, fbody dash installed, car made 400/400 on 10 psi to the tire.