Beowulf Project

Step 1: Select a quester.

Step 2: Select a destination.

1. Mendocino

2. The Woods

3. Fort Bragg

4. Willits

5. Hell

6. Pick your destination

Step 3: Select a reason to go

1. boredom

2. love

3. wealth

4. adventure

5. justice

6. scandal

Step 4: Select challenges and trials (roll three times)

1. pick a challenge

2. flesh-eating zombies

3. self-confidence

4. bizarre English writing project

5. werewolves

6. libido

7. Covelo Street

8. impromptu rap battle

9. flash mob

10. pick a challenge

11. Gymnophobia

12. wealth-hoarding dragon

13. pun contest

14. drug test

15. incontinence

16. memory

17. anger management

18. Death

19. angry hippies

20. pick a challenge


  • Minimum of 20 lines of verse

  • At least five lines must be alliterative

  • At least three kennings

  • At least two examples of hyperbole

  • The song must include all components of the quest archetype (this includes stating what the acquired self-knowledge is at the end of the story).

  • At least six SAT words

  • At least three Biblical or classical allusions

  • Elevated tone of praise for the hero