Emily Coral McClure


Emily Coral McClure was a twin with Isabella Pearl McClure and funnily enough both girls were known by their second names (Coral and Pearl). The twins were born at Edenhope, Victoria, on 17 April 1906.

The photo below is of Jules Harris, the husband of Coral. However, he had previously been married to Coral's Aunt - Isabella Euphemia Hope, who had died in 1924. The photo itself was taken while Isabella was alive and they are her hands resting on his shoulders. I have used thiscopy of his photo on this page, as he had later become the husband of Coral. Note: no disrespect to Isabella's family is intended by this action.

Coral McClure and Jules Harris had 3 children.

Coral died on 30 january 2002 in Adelaide.

Regretably, I have no further information about Coral McClure or her family.

Jules Harris

Coral Harris