Jessie Euphemia Hope


Jessie Euphemia Hope was born 8 October 1889, as a twin with Mary Christian Hope, to Richmond Armstrong Hope and his wife Isabella Edgar.

In 1925 at Casterton, Victoria she married Herbert (Frank) Francis Roper (1887-1963), son of William Henry Roper and his wife Christina Maria (Sarah) Chaston. (see Family Roper for more information about this other pioneering family of Western Victoria see also Family Chaston for their family's history).

Jessie died 27 February 1974 at Dergholm and is buried at the Casterton Cemetery.

Jessie and Frank had 2 children:

  • Daisy Roper
  • Keith Edgar Roper

Editor's Note: I remember as a child, we lived at Mt Gambier, in the SE of South Australia and often travelled across the Border to "Morningside", Dergholm to visit our Uncle Frank and Auntie Jessie, as well as our cousin Keith and his family (although as we were a bit younger than them, we always called them Uncle Keith and Auntie Margaret). My memories, even though they might be few and far apart are of very happy visits "on the farm". As kids, we had the run of the property and within reason, were free to explore at our heart's content. I remember searching out either Uncle Frank or Uncle Keith to see what they were up to and wasn't the least bit phased if they were killing the evening meal, whether it be a chook, a turkey or a sheep - I remember just standing and watching as they went about their respective tasks.

Who knows? As time goes by, I might even remember a few more stories of our times with them.

Some Quote's from Jessie Roper's Autograph Book:

I am so foolish and you so wise,

'Tis the meaning your words so ill disguise.

Also! my prospects are sad enough:

I had rather listen to speeches rough

Than muse and meditate silently

On the coming loss of my liberty.

Sad hope to mecan my future bring,

Yet, while I may, I would prattle and sing.

Though it only ... to try and ...

The dreariness of my pilgrimage.

Julius Harris, Casterton, 2 April 1909

Here's to beef stake when you're hungry

Whiskey when you're dry

Fiver's when you're stony

Heaven when you die

F H Roper, 13 June 1909

To The Glenelg River

River! That in silence windest

Through the meadows bright and free

Till at length thy rest thou findest

In the bosom of the sea

Four long years of mingled feelings

Half in rest and half in strife

I have seen they waters stealing

Onward like the stream of life

And in better hours and brighter

When I saw thy waters gleam

I have felt my heart beat lighter

And leap onward with thy stream

I E Hope 2 May 1909

A Wish

I will not wish thee grandeur

I will not wish you wealth

Only a contended mind

Peace, Happiness and Health

Kind friends to love and chide

And honest ones to chide thee

And faithful ones to stand by

Whatever may betide thee.

Isabella Hope (senior), 24 October 1911

Dergholm Presbyterian Church - an old, old photograph which is now a light sepia colour - can you even see it?

Photo: source unknown

Dergholm Presbyterian Church - 2010 - a clearer image


Jessie Hope

Photo Source: Margaret Roper

Jessie Hope

Photo Source: Margaret Roper

L-R: Molly Hope, Jean Minogue, Jessie Hope

Photo Source: Margaret Mulcahy

Jessie Hope and Isabella Hope

Photo Source: Margaret Fordred

Frank and Jessie Roper

Photo source: Margaret Roper

Jessie Roper (nee Hope)

Photo source: Margaret Roper

Regretably, I have no further information about the life and times of Jessie Hope or her family.

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Richmond Armstrong Hope (father)

Thomas Hope (grandfather)